Controversial SUG primaries finally laid to rest as Osajiele Mike emerges winner, cleared to contest elections, Tennyson to drop presidential ambition

We sincerely apologize for the delay in bringing you this vital information, we hope our misgivings will be forgiven. Remember we brough...

We sincerely apologize for the delay in bringing you this vital information, we hope our misgivings will be forgiven.
Remember we brought you report with regards the inconclusive and controversial primary elections that held about two weeks ago for a consensus SUG presidential aspirant from Petroleum and Gas department between Comr. Osajiele Mike and Enede Tennyson, in which electoral irregularities were cited to have marred the process.
But the issue seems to have finally been resolved as we gathered from Comr. Mike that a fresh primary election was conducted last week with the departmental HOD supervising the electoral process. The election this time around was conducted fully devoid of the electoral malpractices that marred the previous one as this time around the total number of eligible voters (numbering 62) who voted tallied with the number of votes cast and counted.
At the end of the peaceful polls, Comr. Osajiele Mike pulled 62.9% (39) of the total votes cast beating his opponent Enede Tennyson who pulled 37.1%(23) of the votes by 16votes. Comr. Mike was then cleared by his department to fly the flag in the SUG presidential race coming later in the semester.
Comrade Mike also reported that Enede Tennyson accepted defeat in good fate applauded the organizers of the primaries for a free and fair elections and also congratulated Comr. Mike promising to stick to the agreement both aspirants entered before the primaries which included accepting the outcome of the elections, dropping of presidential aspirations for whoever comes out winner. He promised to support the aspirations of his colleague Comr. Mike and also encouraged his supporters to put their weight behind Comr. Mike as he was the right man for the job.
Both guys Comr. Mike and Tennyson together with friends and supporters later had a get together dinner to celebrate and plan towards victory at the polls.
Comrade Mike Osajiele


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