“Equity does not aid the indolent, but the vigilant” Terry Tejiri replies Kpoban Precious Ochuko (aka Mac 4)
Although, it was an unwritten agreement between both aspirants but Terry clearly stated that himself and Mac 4 (who he says is still a frien...

Although, it was an unwritten agreement between both aspirants but Terry
clearly stated that himself and Mac 4 (who he says is still a friend) reached
an agreement sometime last year after he stepped down from the race of LAWSAN
Financial Secretary. He instead chose to pursue the position of the LAWSAN
Treasurer which he disclosed was not a position allocated for a 200L Lawsanite.
He claims that as at last year Mac 4 made known that he would gun for a
position in the Students’ Union Government (SUG) this year; only to met with a
shock that Mac 4 choose to compete with him again.
In his words “it is not easy to step down for someone; you have to let
go of your ego, your ideas, your ambition and even let your supporters down but this time he
would fight to the last. After all, equity does not aid the indolent, but the
As a side note he clearly pointed to Campus Echoes that Mac 4 and
himself is still friends aside this politics, as a matter fact they both ate
from the same plate not long ago.