Ochor P and Oleh boy engage in free for all fight over bed hiking
As last weekend was gradually rolling away, two students’ residing at Brooklyn were busy engaging in a free for all brawl over bed issue. ...

As last weekend was gradually rolling away, two
students’ residing at Brooklyn were busy engaging in a free for all brawl over bed

We gathered that Ochor P accused Oleh boy of hiking his bed
and that didn’t go down well with Oleh boy who walked out on Ochor P but
returned later to confront Ochor P who was in the company of a 300level Law
student who replied by slapping Oleh boy and before one could say jack the
hostel was put in uproar resulting in a clash between 200level Law students and
300level Engineering students. After much heated exchange and blows every
individual respected himself to his bed.
With such action one will only continue to wonder whether
students really know the penalty of fighting on campus.

During the fight |