Campus Echoes personality, Oritsejolomi John, celebrates birthday with a pot of beans…. Lols!!! Dis boys no go kill person

Yesterday at the in-house of Campus Echoes, Oritsejolomi was given a little birthday surprise by his friends. It was a wonderful evening, as...

Yesterday at the in-house of Campus Echoes, Oritsejolomi was given a little birthday surprise by his friends. It was a wonderful evening, as friends and loved ones came in, at first; to discuss political issues like the speculations on the delay of the SUG Week. It was immediately followed by a happy birthday song that got guys drinking wine and eating suya which was followed by a surprised pot of beans to complement for the lack of a birthday cake, specially prepared by the one and only Agunkwo David George.
It was, indeed, a night to remember as guys took down, without joy, this pot of beans supported with a big bowl of garrri.

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