#IVL_FLOOD..... Our soups are getting bad cos the lack of electricity issue

Because of the downpour that flooded a block of rooms in IVL two days ago, the hostel has continued in darkness without light and e...

Because of the downpour that flooded a block of rooms in IVL two days ago, the hostel has continued in darkness without light and everything there is beginning to look like a ghost town.
Campus Echoes caught up with a few girls from IVL yesterday, who expressed their predicaments
and most of them have it that living in the hostels without electricity is more or less like living in a dungeon, they lamented the damage the downpour had on their belongings. But as if to salt to injury, their soups are going bad as the darkness have made their refrigerators non-functional. Most of them, for survival in modern age, have resorted to charging their phones, electronic gadgets at Brooklyn (Male Hostel) and it is becoming unbearable with exams hanging by the corners. Some of them who were affected have relocated to the Women Affairs Hostel.
Meanwhile, the contractor whose miscalculation of the weather led to the situation has so far doubled his efforts to see that the job is completely before the end of this week.

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